MENTEE / INTERN APPLICATION FORM Please complete the following form & return along with your resume and a cover letter: Full Name Application Date To which mentoring program are you applying (you may check more than one): Internship Opportunities (allows for unpaid or paid internship opportunities with possibility of employment based on performance. Internships give students the opportunity to gain work experience & enhance their resume / profile)Leaders Inner Circle Mentorship & Development Program (a part of the Accelerated Leadership Program. May include unpaid or paid internship opportunities. Mentee is matched with a respected leader with significant reputation & years of experience within the industry) Address Phone No Email Date of Birth Age Faculty In School Year In School Major Gender Identity: MaleFemale Ethnicity/Race: Jamaican Student: YesNo Country of Origin International Student: YesNo Country of Origin Languages (please indicate level of proficiency): Relationship Status: Religious/Spiritual Ideology (if any): Why do you want to participate in the Mentoring Program? What are strengths and competencies of your preferred mentor? Are there specific identities you would prefer in a mentor? (for example, identifies as female, a person of color, etc.,) Why are these criteria important to you? Please list your interests and activities on and off-campus What are your expectations of participation in this program? Anything else you want us to know in order to provide you with a better match: How did you hear about the Mentoring Program? Social Media Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin Snapchat Other Social Resume(Please upload only pdf,doc or docx) Cover Letter Please Complete Form & Attach Your Resume & Cover Letter then Submit below: 50735