Project Goals :
The services of a consulting firm with technical expertise in marketing of consumable luxury products will be contracted for this assignment, with the main focus & outputs as follows:
1. Validation Research covering demand trends & production analysis
2. Branding of Coffee in international markets, specifically development of a Jamaica Blue
Mountain Coffee & repositioning of Jamaica High Mountain Coffee marketing strategy.
3.Create a comprehensive strategy for increasing the exports of Jamaican coffee to the respective target markets. The strategy:
- highlighted pricing & positioning of the products as uniquely Jamaican.
The Project was used to:
- Identify through research the demand for Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee & Jamaica High Mountain – green beans & roasted – in Jamaica, USA, UK, China & Japan; as well as the Caribbean tourism, cruise shipping & duty-free market.
- Identify the underlying challenges within the industry affecting production for each variety including climate challenges.
- Outline clear approaches & recommendations to mitigate these challenges including climatic challenges in order to make production viable & guarantee profitability for the target beneficiaries which are the micro, small, & medium farmers’ associations, cooperatives & rural enterprises) & producers of each variety, & their integration into the value chain.
- Indicate the price points for both the Jamaica Blue Mountain & Jamaica High Mountain Coffee [green & roasted]
- Develop a full marketing strategy, action plan & budget to achieve repositioning of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee as a super- premium/luxury product in Jamaica & in select international markets identified above, with Jamaica High Mountain Coffee as a secondary product.
- Explore unique market opportunities for single origin & organically grown coffee, as well as value added products.
Results of the project
- Created coffee industry strategic plan inclusive of a complete assessment of the coffee industry across the key global markets
- Developed a full marketing strategy, action plan & budget to achieve repositioning of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee as a super- premium/luxury product in Jamaica & in select international markets, with Jamaica High Mountain Coffee as a secondary product.
- Branding strategy within international markets
- Research across USA, China, EU, UK, the Caribbean, & Japan was executed:
- Execution of primary & secondary research in the 4 nominated foreign markets.
- Conducted Voice of the customer (VoC), Voice of the Market (VoM) & Voice of the Expert (VoE) assessments which gave stakeholder a wholesome view of the various international markets, highlighting similarities & variances
- A full redesign & outline of the coffee value chain delivered to domestic stakeholders
- Creation of Industry Pricing Model
- Public Consultations with domestic (Jamaica) stakeholders inclusive of farmers, hoteliers, exporters, processors, government ministers & agencies, resulting in 98% industry buy-in.
- Unique market opportunities for single origin & organically grown coffee, & value added products ere identified.
- Direct global interests inclusive of airline owner (Europe), Starbucks, CostCo, Walmart were exposed to the brand engendering new found brand interests
Your organisations role & level of involvement in the project Project Managers – our global team of consultant on this assignment included – luxury branding specialist, marketing specialists, research team, Agronomist, Specialist in each market – Asia, North America, Europe, UK, Caribbean, Cruise line industry Goals & objective of the project.