Goals & objective of the project
The project was three dimensional:
- Capacity building of the supply chain in coffee production best practices & business management to increase & maintain production
- The introduction of the use of a Management Information System, through a customized app & online portal used in concert with the supply chain to advise on best practices & manage activities on the farms
- The increasing of the efficiency of the agronomical inputs provided through soil & leaf tests to determine the correct nutrition program for the individual farms along with the provision of extensional agronomic support
The objectives of the project were as follows:
- The establishment of best practices as standard Estate Farms
- The movement of productivity from the existing 36 boxes per acre to a minimum of 75 boxes per acre
- To promote stability in the market through consistency of supply & quality
- The support of the adoption of best practices through the use of a specially designed farm management information system
- The signing of contracts in waiting (upon meeting project productivity targets)
- The establishment of traceability from-farm-to-cup for each Estate through the collection of quality data from the farmers using the MIS app & tracking devices

Results of the project
- Capacity building & coaching of the supply chain in coffee production best practices resulted in increased production
- Best practices as standard Estate Farms established
- The introduction of the use of a Management Information System, through the designed, development & implementation of a customized app & online portal were used by the farmers in concert with the Anchor firm to manage farms. With the competency development feature farmers continuously learned & exhibited enhanced practices best practices. This improved traceability & became a cornerstone for the maintenance of the estate brand model which the company has introduced.
- The increasing of the efficiency of the agronomical inputs provided through soil & leaf tests to determine the correct nutrition program for the individual farms along with the provision of extensional agronomic support resulted in reduced rejects
- Movement of productivity triplication of output
- Anchor firm was able to sign triple digit contracts
- Anchor signed contracts in-waiting as per project objective
- Traceability from-farm-to-cup for each Estate established