GRACE (GAP) Vegetable Protected Climate Smart Agriculture Supply Chain Project

The project was designed to:

  1.  induce an increase in 75MT of vegetables in year 1 & some120MT in ensuing years. 
  2. promote more innovative approaches to farming among chain members
  3. introduce of the use of protected climate smart agriculture technology making use of hurricane resistant  technology


  • The linkages within this project were significant as it  employs both forward and backward linkages.  The project saw the provision of vegetables for its production activities; while the additional linkages were enjoyed with customers purchasing the vegetables

Creation of Competitive Advantage (Lowered Supplier Costs / Increased Volumes)

  • Through the project, improved competencies & efficiencies accrued to the supply chain partners individually & collectively. 
  • This project, through its innovations will substantially lower costs.

Increased Jobs

  • the project resulted in significant cash injection in the local Hounslow economy not only through the jobs created, but through a ripple effect, positively affecting all participants in the economy to include shop keepers, taxi operators, delivery service suppliers, builders, etc.   
  • Job creation grew by some to 30 jobs per year. 

Import Substitution

  • Import substitution & the displacement of foreign good & services were targeted at a high rate as vegetable production was more consistent on the local market

SVP Special Projects – Earl Ashley, share a laugh with clients of Grace as they inspect the prepared area for the first-ever innovative climate-smart hurricane resistant greenhouses

Goals & Objectives of the Project       

  • Establish a hurricane-resistant climate smart greenhouse with growing & irrigation systems
  • Establishment of a packaging plant with solar refrigerated storage unit, office, water tanks, solar refrigeration unit, standby generator
  • Training in:-
    • Greenhouse operations and best practices
      • Governance & business operations

Results of the Project 

  • Formalised value chain
  • Strengthened supply chain
  • Some  32,000 sq ft of climate smart hurricane-resistant greenhouse erected
  • Packing facility, office and solar refrigeration established
  • Production of first crop of vegetables of total 220MT
  • Negotiation of contracts with some 6 hotels for consistent supply offered by greenhouse farming
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