Strengthening Post Harvest Processes & Rehabilitation of Cocoa Farms

Persons around the world enjoy chocolate in various forms, consuming products from more than 4.5 million tonnes of cocoa beans annually.  Cocoa, chocolate and confectionery industries employ hundreds of thousands of people around the world and are a key user of other agricultural commodities such as sugar, dairy products, nuts and fruits.  Each country has its own distinctive flavour and blend used for candy and desserts. 

The St Thomas supply chain supplies the Jamaica Cocoa Farmers Association (JCFA) with cocoa beans for export to its markets in the USA, Canada and Europe.  These beans are used mainly for chocolate confectionary due to the fine flavour designation of Jamaican cocoa.   The JCFA has annual contracts for 200 tonnes of cocoa beans which it has been unable to fully supply.  This project will be used to induce an increase in productivity to meet its demands.   

Situation:         The project sought to extract maximum value from the St Thomas farms.  This meant not only seeking to improve productivity through the rehabilitation of 200 acres of cocoa farms but also to carry out post-harvesting activities aimed at improving the value of the beans to market. 

On average, dried cocoa beans sell at 60% more than wet cocoa beans.  Additionally, the fermenting and solar drying process serves to preserve and unearth the tastes and notes of the cocoa beans, bringing to life a taste profile for the beans, which once certified by the International Cocoa Council (ICC), will attract a premium price among fine flavoured cocoa.  

Under the project, a profiling lab was acquired and stakeholders trained in the profiling of fine flavoured cocoa

Fine flavoured, profiled cocoa can attract more than twice the price per tonne of fermented dried beans without an established profile

Goals & Objectives of the Project       

The main objectives of the project were:

  1. The improvement of productivity from 7 boxes per acre to 40 boxes per acre through the rehabilitation of 200 acres of cocoa farms
  2. The extracting of maximum value for cocoa produced, of US$10,000 per tonne through post-harvest preparation and profiling
  3. The building of the resistance of the St Thomas farms by up to 50%, against the frosty pod rot disease through capacity building and the replacement of old trees with a more resistant genotype.

Results of the Project 

Component 1: Rehabilitation of Farms


  • Improvement in productivity from 7 boxes/acre to 40 boxes/acre
  • Farmers trained in proper pruning techniques for cocoa farms
  • Over 76 jobs created
  • 150 (of 300) acres of cocoa farms rehabilitated

Component 2: Rehabilitation of Post-Harvesting Processing Facilities


  • 1000 sq. ft. fermenting station renovated
  • 7500 sq. ft. solar drier renovated
  • Increased value of exports due to post harvesting processes

Component 3: Frosty Pod Resilience Program

Objectives of the Component

To build resilience in the St Thomas supply chain to the effects of the Frosty Pod Rot Disease


  • Establishment of nursery for ICS-95 genotype allowing for 100 acres to be planted with more resilient plants
  • Nursery Technicians trained in the propagation and establishment of the ICS-95 genotype.
  • Cocoa farmers trained in the identifying of the disease and proper removal and sanitation procedures for the field, as well as on field maintenance & procedures to maintain disease free farms

Component 4:      Acquisition of Profiling Laboratory

Objectives of the Component

The establishment of the capacity for profiling of local cocoa beans to facilitate realisation of greater value in the sale of local beans to the export market. 


  • Establishment of the profiling laboratory
  • Training in testing and profiling of cocoa beans
  • Profiles of the 13 farmers established
  • 100% increased value of exports due to existence of taste profiles

Lead farmer Desmond Jadusingh                                                                                                   

In discussion with member of the

Project Management team

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